April-June 2022 Issue

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Correlation of pulp stones in patients with systemic disease - A Review

Jandel Singh Thakur1, Sandeep Prakash2, Prakash Khare3, Sonal Patel3
1 - Associate Professor, 2- Professor, 3 - Senior Resident CIMS, Sciences Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh


Pulp calcifications stones are discrete calcifications within the pulps of teeth. They are usually detected during radiographic examination as radiopaque areas of variable sizes and shapes. Localized pulp calcifications are microscopically apparent in more than half of the teeth in young adolescents. However, pulp stones extending to the entire dentition are not frequent. Studies indicate that patients with coronary artery disease show higher degree of pulp calcifications. Higher prevalence of pulp stones in multiple teeth may be ruled out as risk predictors for coronary artery disease and some other probabilities of associated diseases.

Determination of creamatocrit and energy values of human breast milk in relation to term and preterm gestation

Nilay Mozarker, Child Specialist, District Hospital, Raipur, Sheila Bhave, Consultant Pediatrics KEM Hospital, Pune


Creamatocrit and energy values of preterm mothers are significantly higher than term mothers. But there is no correlation found bet ween the creamatocrit and energy values with parity and mode of delivery.

A Case Report of Small And Medium Vessel Vasculitis As A Spectrum Of Expanded Dengue Syndrome In Central India

Devpriya Lakra1, Manisha Khande2, Khanda Shahbaz Yasin3
1- Professor and Head, Department 2- Associate Professor, 3- PG resident Department Of Medicine, Pt. JNM Medical College, Raipur (CG)


Expanded Dengue Syndrome (EDS) was coined in the WHO guidelines, 2011 to describe the various emerging atypical manifestations of dengue. We report a case of a 22 years old boy, presented in medicine casualty, with high grade fever associated with chills for 7 days along with myalgia, headache and vomiting. He also had multiple painful rashes over bilateral lower limb in form of pinpoint to large discrete macules with few haemorrhagic bullae which progressed in the severity and also developed dry gangrenous changes in index finger of Right upper limb and left great toe. Blood and urine cultures were sterile, and serological markers for malaria and scrub typhus were negative, while dengue serology (ELISA-IgM) was positive. Skin biopsy confirmed Cutaneous small vessel vasculitis (CSVV). Although many cases of EDS with different organ involvement have been reported but extensive vasculitis in form of purpura and gangrene is a rare phenomenon.

Glossal Lesions Masquerading as Malignancy- A Rare Case Report

Varsha Pandey1, Renuka Gahine2, Arvind Neral3
1- Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur (C.G), 2- Dean, Govt Medical College Rajnandgaon, 3 - Professor & Head, Department of Pathology, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur (C.G.)


Tuberculosis (TB) is systemic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. TB can involve almost any organ of body. Tuberculosis of tongue whether primary or secondary is rare. It can present as single or multiple painful non-healing ulcers on dorsum of tongue. The histopathological diagnosis is gold standard aided by ancillary techniques including CBNAAT, culture, Mantoux test, X-Ray and AFB examination along with detailed clinical history and physical examination. We present a case of tuberculosis of tongue in a 67 years old male presented with complaints of dysphagia.

Interventions in Takayasu Arteritis- Two Case Studies in a Tertiary Health Care Centre

Vanaja Thakur1, Smit Shrivastava2, D.P. Lakra3
1- P.G. Resident 1- Professor and Head of the Department. of Cardiology, 3- Professor and Head of the Department of Medicine Pt. J.M.M. Medical College Raipur


Takayasu arteritis, also known as pulseless disease, occlusive Thrombo-aortopathy, and Martorell syndrome,1 is a chronic inflammatory arteritis affecting large vessels, predominantly the aorta and its main branches. Takayasu Arteritis is rare, but most commonly seen in Japan, South East Asia, India, and Mexico2 accounting for 2.6 cases /million per year (3) with preponderance to females of 2nd to 3rd decade. In India, mean age is 24 years. 10% of patients are asymptomatic and rest presents with constitutional symptoms with headache being most common (50-57%) followed by malaise and arthralgia.

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